This site was created by husband and wife team, Dominic and Erica Williams, as a way to share with others all the different things we're into. There's no running theme, There's no niche topic. Our site exists solely so we each have somewhere to post about different things we're into. Here, you'll find topics relating to everything from fashion to Star Trek. Between the two of us, we're into a wide variety of things. As you can tell by the name of our site, The Beatles is the first and foremost interest we share. We settled on Ticket to Buy as a name for this site because, not only is it a play on The Beatles song, "Ticket to Ride," but it also describes one objective we hope to achieve with this site and that is to share with you recommendations on everything from fashion to food to music to travel, TV, films and more. Think of us like your favorite magazine that covers a wide range of topics. Only, we're not, you know, famous. We're you're ticket to buy!
We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. This means, we may be earning something by your clicking on links throughout this site. While that may not always be the case in every article we've written, it's just something you should know. Also, just because we're earning, doesn't mean we don't truly believe in the products we're presenting to you.
We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. This means, we may be earning something by your clicking on links throughout this site. While that may not always be the case in every article we've written, it's just something you should know. Also, just because we're earning, doesn't mean we don't truly believe in the products we're presenting to you.