Blade Runner: The Game

Blade Runner's Title Screen
Blade Runner's Title Screen.

Blade Runner is a movie, based on Philip K. Dick's 1968 novel 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?', that came out in 1982 and starred Harrison Ford as the Blade Runner Detective Rick Deckard. Set in a dystopian Los Angeles in 2019, Deckard is assigned to find and kill 'Replicants' (Androids) that have escaped from off-world colonies and come to Earth. In the 1997 game, the plot runs parallel to the movie and has you in control of Detective Ray McCoy, who is hunting for suspected Replicants who shot up Runciter's animal shop.

Detective Ray McCoy is who you control in the game.
With the release of 'Blade Runner 2049', this game is definitely worth a replay (or a first time play, if you've never played it before) for fans of the series. The game is a point and click adventure game (Remember them? We do and we still love them!) and the best thing about this game is that is has a variety of different ways you can end the game!

The game starts out at Runciters Animals, a crime scene.

Westwood, who created the fabulous Command & Conquer series. really outdid themselves with this game, which I consider a wonderful companion to the movies.

Have you played the Blade Runner game? Tell us why you love (or hate) it in the comments below!

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