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Captain Lorca welcomes Burnham aboard Discovery. (Image: CBS) |
Some of the old Star Trek we know and love returned this week in the third episode of Discovery and I for one am loving it. As always, below contains spoilers for those who haven't seen it yet...
Discovery's third episode opened six months after the last with Burnham on a prison transport that is promptly rescued by the eponymous ship that we've been waiting for.
Burnham is treated with disdain by the crew, even called Starfleet's first mutineer, a distinction which has her being called 'dangerous' by her old friend and First Officer of the Discovery Saru.
This episode felt much more like Star Trek to me than the previous two. There was a ship, a crew and a dangerous away mission to complete with new characters to explore. One of the most interesting is Cadet Tilly, a wonderfully awkward young lady who gets to be bunkmates with Starfleet's first Mutineer! Yay!
Tilly could be a pivotal role in Discovery |
Another interesting character is Paul Stamets, a wonderfully sassy Lieutenant who has disdain not just for Burnham when he tells her she's about as much a Vulcan as his Uncle is John Lennon, (Thank you Discovery for finally canonizing the Beatles with a mention!) but most of the Discovery's crew too, especially when he refers to his Captain by his last name and shows contempt for Lorca at every turn, calling him a warmonger.
Lieutenant Stamets is a man on the edge. |
The whole ship seems to be teetering on the fence between moral and immoral. With Gabriel Lorca, the Discovery's Captain, we see a man we don't fully trust yet like we did with Archer, Kirk, Picard, Sisko and Janeway. He seems to be running his finger along the edge of shady, in the vein of Starfleet Captains like Ron Tracey from TOS.
Should we love Lorca? Or should we fear what he's up to? Let us know in the comments below!
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