Game of Thrones Finale: Now What?

Game of Thrones, Season 7 has officially ended.  Please excuse me while I go and cry.  What?  You think I'm joking?  You clearly don't watch the show.  I mean, there has never been a more epic television show, and oh what a finale!  I already can't wait for next year.  Then again, next season will be the last, so what will I do then?  What will any of us do?!  WHAT'S TO BECOME OF US?!

Okay.  I've had a good cry.  I've taken a few deep breaths into a paper bag and I think I'm ready to move on.  No.  Not from Game of Thrones.  One can never move on from Game of Thrones.  Never.  I'm just ready to get back to the point of the post (Yes, there was a point.  ...I think...).  Anyway, I don't know how anyone else copes between seasons, or how they plan on coping after the final finale, but I do know what I plan on doing.

I recently acquired George R. R. Martin's series of novels, on which the HBO smash hit is based, and I've already devoured the first book and and am halfway through the second.  If you think the show is good, may I recommend you pick up the books.  They really allow you to fully immerse yourself in the world in which Game of Thrones is set.  You'll learn more backstories and even some juicy info that's not included in the series.

I know, I know.  They're super long books and who has time to read nowadays?  Well, if you don't have a minute to spare, maybe you can multitask.  And, if that's the case, you can listen to the audiobooks whilst doing something else, e.g., driving, working out, cleaning house, etc.  You can purchase the first audiobook in the series, A Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones through Amazon directly, or you can sign up for Audible's 30-day free trial and get your first two books for free.

Personally, I'm old school and I like to have physical copies of books to hold in my hands, read before bed, and put on my shelves to just, you know, look pretty.  But, I also enjoy listening to audiobooks while I'm working or on a long roadtrip.  I know some people enjoy reading, but don't like "clutter" (as if books could ever count as that), so if you're one of those people, you might download a copy of Game of Thrones to your Kindle.  This option is a bit cheaper than a physical, paper copy of the book too, I might add.

The books have all the same stories as the shows, plus lots and lots more information.  Getting lost in these amazing novels is a great way to keep the story alive while we're all waiting on the final season of the show, and long after the show has ended.  But, if I haven't convinced you to read the books, you can always binge watch the tales of Westeros over and over to your heart's content.  (Yeah, like you haven't already done that.)  Oh, who am I kidding?  ***SPOILER*** We all know I'm going to read and listen to the GoT books and binge watch the show until it comes back on... and long, long, long after the show has ended, because, who can honestly get enough of Jon Snow and the Mother of Dragons?  (Certainly not them, eh?  Wink, wink.  Nudge, nudge.)

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