Essential Supplies For Hurricane and Tornado Weather

Satellite view of Hurricane Daniel in 2006

The first and most basic supply you must have is Water. Bottled water is better as it will be clean and safe to drink should your home get flooded. Food supplies are also an essential item. Tinned/Canned food and non-perishable items are perfect as they can be eaten at any time. Your power has gone out? Solar power is your friend, there are plenty of portable solar power generators such as the Nomad 7 that will charge your electronic devices such as cell phones and laptops for a long time during a storm.

Also, if you need to eat during a particular nasty storm and have shelter, you're going to need some Waterproof Matches, which will be perfect in the event of any flood. One thing that people don't factor in an emergency situation like a hurricane or a tornado is insect repellent, you will be bitten up by the buggers if your house is flooded or exposed to the elements.

If you have access to propane, then a Portable Camping Stove is a fantastic idea if you need to heat up some food if the storm is a long one.

The main thing with storms is to be safe and secure. Make sure your home is as secure as it can be, otherwise you'll be in a right pickle!

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