Shades of Blue is an exciting NBC drama series starring Ray Liotta and Jennifer Lopez as Detectives Wozniak and Santos, a couple of cops who are often willing to bend the rules in order to keep their neighborhood and their families safe. The show is super gritty for a network show and definitely has the feeling of a show you'd find on cable or HBO, Netflix, etc. We'd love to go on and on about how brilliant Ray Liotta is, but you really just need to watch the show. It's not your regular cop show. Buy the first season now! You promise won't regret it.
Ticket To Buy Today: Shades of Blue
Shades of Blue is an exciting NBC drama series starring Ray Liotta and Jennifer Lopez as Detectives Wozniak and Santos, a couple of cops who are often willing to bend the rules in order to keep their neighborhood and their families safe. The show is super gritty for a network show and definitely has the feeling of a show you'd find on cable or HBO, Netflix, etc. We'd love to go on and on about how brilliant Ray Liotta is, but you really just need to watch the show. It's not your regular cop show. Buy the first season now! You promise won't regret it.
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