Does Bond 25 Need To Be Another Reboot?

Spent force? Some fans have questioned whether Craig should return to the role of Bond.

It's been hotly debated. Several theories have come up. Daniel Craig says he's returning as Bond but what will the story be? A popular rumour of the title is 'Shatterhand' but everything is still yet to be confirmed. It's even yet to be confirmed that Daniel will be returning as Bond!

Spectre didn't quite sit well with many fans. The big bone of contention being the whole 'Blofeld Foster Brother' plot element which, in my shared opinion, wasn't a great idea.

The next movie should return to the classic Bond formula. I know the Craig series of films are a sort of 'reboot' but the formula that made the Bond films a classic draw needs to be seen again. With the re-introduction of Blofeld, could it be that he'll feature in the next films? Will that shadow of Spectre once again fall across the world? Or will it be a standalone mission with a standalone villain?

Time is running out: Roger Moore as Bond in TSWLM.
My personal opinion is it should be a standalone mission and villain, much like in the Moore/Dalton/Brosnan eras.  Time to do away with arcs and get back to making Bond great again.

If you look at the roaring success of The Spy Who Loved Me in 1977, Bond films entered a new phase of production with that film and, with Moonraker in 1979, perhaps went a little too spaced out. However, Die Another Day from 2002 is almost universally derided among fans as the worst entry of the series. (The invisible Aston Martin being the biggest offender). It was clear after Die Another Day that the series needed to get back to where it once belonged and so it did, with the firing of Pierce Brosnan and the hiring of Daniel Craig, Casino Royale in 2006 was a fantastic start, the semi-sequel, Quantum Of Solace was far less well received. (My personal opinion is that it was lackluster and any villain named Dominic is going to be crap. Dominic is quite clearly a hero's name....right?)

Maybe you've been down here too long: DAD was Brozzo's last outing as 007.

So, after Skyfall in 2012, which is widely considered to be the best Bond film in recent years, Spectre was a little underwhelming. Does that mean Bond 25 is going to be another spectacular delight? We hope so!

Tell us what you think in the comments!

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